Friday, December 4, 2009

Emo Day.

Just felt total crap the whole day.
Probably because my classmate talked about a topic that made me think a lot.
And also the lack of fluids and sleep.

I feel so horrible the whole day and couldn't get a single thing right.
I feel miserable.

My project is crap.
But I have to clear my own shiz.
I'm gonna ask my group mates for help tomorrow.
I cannot take it anymore.
Just have to talk to them.
Like really.

Yesterday was a very very good day.
Pictures up on fb already.
Not the ones at night. The ones a the morning were the best.
Today was a bad day. Really bad.

I need a rest. A good rest.
Just to think about and sort out some stuffs going on with me.
I lack good time management.
I kinda have a bad feeling about tomorrow.
But whatever happens, happens.

I'll rest. Wake up. Do Flash as much as I can. Exercise(i swear I'll workout like mad to get my mind of things but no guarantee to weight loss). Off to school.

Tomorrow will be a better day.
Tomorrow has to be a better day.
Tomorrow needs to be a better day.

FML seriously. FML.

"I'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight"


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