Synopsis: From the director of Terminator 3: Rise of the machines, the filmmaking trio re-team to explore a future in which humans live in isolation while only communicating with their fellow man through robots that serve as social surrogates and are better-looking versions of their human counterparts.
People are living their lives from the safety of their own homes via Robotic Surrogates. Sexy, physically perfect mechanical representations of themselves.
It’s an ideal world where crime, pain, fear and consequences does not exist. When the first murder in years jolts this utopia, FBI agent Geer (Bruce Willis) discovers a conspiracy behind the surrogate phenomenon and must abandon his own surrogate, risking his life to unravel the mystery.
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If Surrogates are available now. I would have her as a rocker. And she would go to open mic nights for me and have world tours. That is what I would like as my Surrogate to have.
Photo of my ideal Surrogate
Catch Surrogates in cinemas 1st Oct 2009!!!!
1 comment:
I was fed up with absurd comedy movies. Surrogates (2009) movie makes me comfortable as I could watch mind boggling movie with super sounds in this free movie site. I have read good review about this movie and it was the reason why I watched it. Big cheers for this movie.
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