Was browsing through Youtube as usual and saw this vid by ilyjessicaomg.
So I decided to do a take on it.
Guess what shirt I used???
My NYP Open House 09 shirt!!!!!!!!!

Reason why is because I don't seem to be wearing this shirt alot. It is a nice shirt. I love the design!!! But... the material is rather thick and not very wearable in Singapore's humid weather. ): Therefore, I decided to give it a little makeover!!!!!
Guide to cutting shirts into tanks.
First, I lay my shirt down on a flat surface
Folded and everything in line.
Cut cut cut cut cut cut cut!!!!!!!!!
Sleeves are chopped off!!!!
Cut all the way down even after the end of the sleeve.
I'm still cutting ):
Finally sleeves are chopped off!!!!!
Yuck! Look like and old uncle shirt now ))):But we can fix it later (:
Cut the neakline thingy off.
I cut it into a v neck!!!
Bottom seams are cut off too.
Make sure front sleeves are cut in more than the back sleeve.
Or else will have ugly "extras" of fabric popping out from the sides!
More cutting
Not so nice. Acceptable.
Bel just can't make pretty stuffs. Hahaha
Top worn over another tank top.
White one is the one I won from Seventeen.
I can totally see myself wearing this to school now. ((((: No more unwanted heatstroke!
Side view!!!
Gloves are made from the cut-out sleeves.
Wristband is twined from the cut-out neckline thingy.
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