Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So wth am I doing....

Now that I'm no longer studying. I have officially ended my school's semester but have yet to graduate. *cross fingers*

Anyways, I have been up every single night till morning cracks through my ulti-tinted windows. Every night I'm just up surfing the net. Reading stuffs that I have already gone through a zillion times the past hour, reading books like 2 times in a row, watching chick flicks while nomming on Chips More and Soya Milk.

BUT...tonight I decided to try something different. I was thinking to myself, why not come up with my own workout routine since I am so effing fat right now?! I was like yay!!!! Finally I am so smart. So I start googling sites, channels, youtube videos to find the perfect workout for me.

But over the past few months or a year I have always been looking at Toneitupcom and diethealth on youtube. They're perfect and STILL is perfect. So yay. My routine is basically just randomly add 5 videos of either channels into my playlist then do it over and over again. Time myself, and then i'm sweating like a mad dog.

Lemme just repeat my workout routine, or lets name it, Bel's No Brainer/ Ulti Lazy Loser Workout that WILL guarantee results whether good or bad

1. Search Youtube
2. Find interesting hardcore workout videos (Toneitup or diethealth)
3. Choose 5 videos
4. Keep doing the exercises for the next 1 and a half hour
5. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Your arms, legs, abs, flabby ass or stomach will fill damn sore afterwards. So yay!!! You've done it!


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