Monday, November 30, 2009

The Best Day,

Today is.
One of the best day of my life.
Although its nothing that big to talk or be happy about.
But still...
I feel contented already.

M talked to me today.
Not 1 word.
Not 2 words.
Not 3 words.
But sentences, questions, statements and so much more.
I feel contented.
Very contented.

Never had such "close" contact with M ever since day 1.
Today was simply blissful.
He may not know it.
Others may not know it.
But I truly am so happy that was literally jumping for joy in my heart.
If I could openly express how I feel I would probably be screaming.

I will not ask for more.
I am truly contented with just this.
Thank you for making me happy even when you don't know it. (:


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