While walking my dog this afternoon, I opened my letter box as usual hoping to find my 2nd hand CLEO Magazine October issue that I bought online inside.
Instead, I found THREE envelopes with my name on it. I never, NEVER received so much mails before in a day. So exciting!!! Like seriously???
There was ONE that I was most excited about. However, I shall wait till the end to talk about it. Even though my post's title already has the spoiler!!!! Hahaha.
Okay, anyway, for the CLEO Magazine, I managed to find a 2nd hand copy at only SGD1.50 when the retail price is at like... SGD 4.40??? Got in on sg_beauty.
Slightly dog-eared, but other than that, everything is as good as new.
And don't Kristen Stewert look gorgeous on the cover??!!!
Makes me anticipate even more for NEW MOON. AHHHH!! TAYLOR LAUTNER!!!! I never like RP. HAha.
Next envelope has SPH magazines logo/brand name on it. Didn't know what it was till I opened it!!!!!
Yep! Its from Seventeen again!!!! My favourite magazine of all time!!!!
hmmm.. What's that you're all saying??? Can't see what's written on it??
Now lets take a closer look!!!
I won another 17 Giveaway!!! Elizabeth Arden "Pretty" Fragarance giveaway!
Can't wait to get it. I bet the real thing is as pretty as it looks here. Will update on it! (:
Last one, the ONE I'm most excited about!!!!!!
Are you ready for it???
*yeah, i'm ready fot it*
Really ready for it???
(Sel Gomez's song. I think she and Taylor Lautner make a really cute couple)
Anyway, here goes.......
*hyperventilating as i write this*
*still hyperventilating*
HERE IS THE MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Bel is the my nickname. Annabel is my birth name. I like Bel more though (:
Anyway, this is the envelope!!!! Wanna know where its from????
It's from Glitzy-Glam!!!!
Fans/viewers/subscribers of allthatglitters21(Elle) and juicystar07(Blair) would definitely know what I'm talking about and why I'm so excited.
YES! It's one of the most talked about/ hyped about gift store on Youtube.
Guess what's inside..... (i know...lotsa guessing)
Its a Glitzy-Glam Keychain!!!!
Its the pink with zebra striped ribbon and pink monogram.
And no, I'm not gonna be a typical Singaporean meanie and go "zip-bra" or "zee-BRAA". (you know what I mean)
And no, to be honest, I did not purchase this item. This is a prize I got from getting an honourable mention in one of allthatglitters21 subscribers contest. I'm not going much into the details though.
I spent a long time deciding which designs to choose considering the numerous designs, patterns and colours. I find that this is the nicest among them all in my opinion.

Do check out Glitzy-Glam!!!
They have really cool and unique gifts that are worth buying. Love their personalized ones the best! Would definitely make a purchase from them once I have a Paypal. (yep, i don't have a paypal account ):
u r so lucky! Nanged you for good post! Nang this to see the RM15,000++ web address! Tq! thanks (: Nanged you too!!!
so annoying.
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