Twitter is still the best though.
Last week I celebrated by 18th birthday.
Thank you to all who wished me. Much loves. (:
WARNING!!!!!!! PICTURE HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So here's my birthday stash.
A one piece swimsuit from the gang. Scary huh? Haha. I promise to wear only when i slim down!!
From Ally, Esther, Valer, Peini, Leeching, Atricia, Ahern, Yongern
Mummy dearest gave me an E63. <333333
From beloved Angel!!! Thanks for the card and the cake!
A headband from my beloved cousin!!!! Love it so much!
Last but not least.... PINK earphones from C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also with complimentary meal at Ajisen and MORE!!!!!!!!
So here's my shopping stash
Freebies from a new Korean cosmetics store E'tude House at Plaza Sing.
I love the pink fluffy pen so so so much! And Mummy dearest is gonna get me the BB cream from there (:
M)phosis shades at half the original price. So fly!!!!!
MANGO tops bought during the VIP closed door sale with Dearie.
Very much into scarves these days.
White one is bought online. Black one is from Cotton On.
I was so excited when I first saw the mail (((((:
I went with my Dearie of course!!! She looks naked it practically EVERY photos!!!!!!!!!!!!
So here is what they gave us.
A bag full of goodies!!!!!!
A full sized tube of Veet hair removal cream.
Coppertone SPORT breathable sunscreen and Coppertone perfect UV cut milk.
Maybelline goodies and Billabong stationery.
They gave me a FULL SIZED concealer and stick eyeshadow!!!!!!!
The Angelfit powder and liquid are samples.
Also from Maybelline. Guess what it is?????
A MIRROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So that concludes everything....
Till next time.... FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!!!!!! Link is up above .
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